
Sustainable tax driven economy

Total tax of 4.99%

Every buy, sell and transfer transaction will be taxed. The breakdown allocation of the tax is as follows:

  • 2.3% for reflections

  • 0.5% added to liquidity

  • 0.5% to buyback & burn

  • 0.49% to back the floor price

  • 0.5% for bonds

  • 0.7% for marketing

TAX: Reflections

2.3% of the tax goes into redistribution. That means of this tax that was collected in DADASH will be converted to USDT through an automated sale mechanism against the open market. USDT is then redistributed back to holders in accordance with their share of DADASH.

TAX: Liquidity

0.5% of the tax goes back to the liquidity pool as equal proportions of DADASH and BNB. LP tokens generated will be locked in the vault.

TAX: Auto Buy Back & Burn

0.5% of the tax goes into buying back DADASH from Pancakeswap to burn. All burned coins are sent to the dead wallet address on BSC: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD

Burned coins are removed from the circulating supply of DADASH, resulting in deflation.

TAX: Floor price

0.49% of the tax will go into the DAO treasury. Funds accumulated in this treasury will back the circulating supply of DADASH, thus creating a floor price.

Should the price of DADASH falls below the floor price, the governance committee managing this treasury will trigger appropriate measures to utilize the funds to adjust the market price.

TAX: Bond products

0.5% of the tax will go into bond products where DADASH will be sold for quoted tokens over a sequential dutch auction.

TAX: Marketing

0.7% of the tax will go to marketing the project, funding the manga creation and other associated products.

Last updated